The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing Dyeing Book

Author: J.N. Liles
222 pp (paper, b&w, some color)
ISBN number:9780870496707

This scrupulously researched volume is a comprehensive modern treatment of pre-synthetic era dyes and dyeing. It provides a short history of natural dyeing and then gives dozens of traditional recipes (modified for modern use in some cases) for every major color group and all major fibers. Instructions are detailed and easy to follow. The author is especially interested in traditional methods of dyeing cotton and linen, fibers many other natural dye books have given short shrift to. This would be great for anyone interested in authentic reproductions of historic textiles.

Vendor item: 9780870496707
UPC: 9780870496707
Item Number: 57210000
Price: $26.95

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