Handwoven Presents Weaving with Cotton Fleece and Cotton Fine Yarn Lab + Sweetheart Baby Blanket: Ebook Printed Copy Weaving Book

Author: Handwoven
7 pgs. (paper, color)
ISBN number:

Weave baby blankets for all the newest baby in your life with this pattern as your guide.This 4-shaft baby blanket is a wonderful way to welcome all the new babies in our lives. The pattern is enhanced with an informative article about the fascinating technique of diversified plain weave

Diversified plain weave is a sturdy fabric that works well for items such as baby blanketsthere are no fl oats for tiny fingers to catch on, and it can withstand heavy use. Diversified plain weave uses two sizes of thread in both warp and weft , and that allows for patterning such as this blankets hearts and blocks motif.

This ebook, and all of Halcyon Yarn's eBooks, are printed in full color on acid-free coated stock, ready for immediate browsing and convenient posting next to your project.

Vendor item: HYEBOOK-5520002E
Item Number: 5520002E
Price: $10.95



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