Portrait of Gwynn
by: Gwynn

How Do You Learn?

How do you learn?

Is it by reading, following a set of directions, listening, watching or playing? If you’re like me, you’ve used all those behaviors and more.
We are complicated beasts.
Summer is here and it’s my favorite learning season. Somehow the sunshine and outdoors activities quicken my brain patterns and I let play take over as my prime learning tool. In play, its okay to be loud, experimental; a little out of control. Perfect for learning.
My German gene kicks in most of the time so I do have a small set of rules:
1. The focus is to be process not product.
2. Learn the skill/technique by doing it.
3. Try materials and ideas that push what I’m learning.
4. Remind myself it’s about learning NOT perfection.
5. Accept whatever happens.
When I first started weaving it was about making the perfect placemat, selvedge or design. Right ways of doing things often would get in the way of understanding. The word right can mean the correct or only way, or it can mean an appropriate or working way of doing a thing.
If you need a focus for your play, the “Weaver’s Craft” Weaver's Craft Issue 23magazines are more than worth the cost. Without ads or special offers, Jean Scorgie gives you a place to start a learning experience. Each issue is focused on an individual or small collection of topics and techniques. There are projects for the productive approach and hints for what to do beyond what she is showing. If you can’t get away this summer, get an issue. Set aside any work related weaving and put yourself in a home study program. You can follow her directions and materials list or throw caution to the wind.


Weaver's Craft Issue 23  Weaver's Craft Issue 23

Think of this as playing with tinker toys: we all started with the sample pictures and then went our own ways. If you like support, ask a few weaver friends to join you. Each of you will add a unique perspective to any project you choose.
Give yourself time to explore, and just see what’s happening. Any book, any topic can be the focus. Check out our listing of Weaver’s Craft and other books at

Related items of interest: • Weaving Magazines

Portrait of Gwynn
Picture of Gwynn signature