Juniper Moon Farm Yarns

Cumulus Cotton by Juniper Moon Farm Yarn

$24.75/100 g hank
Buy more, pay less:
$22.50 for 8+

94% Israeli Mako Cotton, 6% Nylon. 251yds/100 g hank, 1145yds/lb. Setts: 5 tabby, 6-7 twill. Gauge: K: 4.- 5 stitches/in on 7- 9 C: 2.75-2.5 stitches/in on sz H-8 to K-10.5. Colors: 13.

Cumulus Cotton by Juniper Moon Farm description: As soft and light as its namesake, Juniper Moon Farm's Cumulus is an Aran weight cotton chainette yarn that has just enough of a nylon binder to keep it together - and together it stays. Surpri... more...

Herriot Fine Alpaca by Juniper Moon Farm Yarn

$24.00/100g hank
Buy more, pay less:
$21.50 for 8+

75% Alpaca, 25% Polyamide. 461 yds/100g hank, 2105yds/lb. Setts: 12 tabby, 12-16 twill. Gauge: K: 7-10 stitches/in on sz 0-2. Colors: 20.

Herriot Fine Alpaca by Juniper Moon Farm description: Luscious baby alpaca gives Juniper Moon Farm Herriot Fine a deliciously soft hand while a bit of nylon adds strength and durability. You'll be captivated by its heavenly glow and silky smoot... more...

Juniper Moon Farm Herriot Baby Alpaca Yarn

regular price: $24.00/100 g hank
Buy more, pay less:
$21.50 for 8+

100% alpaca. 219yds/100 g hank, 995yds/lb. Setts: 6 tabby, 8 twill. Gauge: K: 5.25-6 sts/in on US sz 5-7. C: 3-4.25 sts/in on F5-7 . Colors: 19.

Some colors on clearance
discount price: $18.00/100 g hank

Juniper Moon Farm Herriot Baby Alpaca description: Juniper Moon Farm's Herriot is a decadently soft DK weight yarn made out of 100% pure extrafine baby alpaca. This warm and sturdy yarn is available in a variety of beautifully heathered colors... more...

Moonshine by Juniper Moon Farm Yarn

$24.00/100 g hank
Buy more, pay less:
$21.75 for 8+

40% Wool, 40% Alpaca, 20% Silk. 197yds/100 g hank, 900yds/lb. Setts: 6-8 tabby, 8-10 twill. Gauge: K: 4.5-5 stitches/in on sz 7-9 C: 2.75-3.5 stitches/in on sz 7-I9. Colors: 17.

Moonshine by Juniper Moon Farm description: Juniper Moon Farm's Moonshine is a silky soft, luminous single-ply blend of wool, alpaca and silk. This worsted weight yarn creates warm, luxurious garments and accessories with beautiful drape. The s... more...

Patagonia Organic Merino by Juniper Moon Farm Yarn

$15.95/100 g hank
Buy more, pay less:
$14.00 for 8+

100% Organic Merino Wool. 382yds/100 g hank, 1745yds/lb. Setts: 7-8 tabby, 9-12 twill. Gauge: 5.25-6 sts/in on US sz 5-7. Colors: 24.

Patagonia Organic Merino by Juniper Moon Farm description: Juniper Moon Farms Patagonia Organic Merino is a rustic, woolen-spun DK weight yarn. Lofty, squishy, and soft. Generous yardage at an affordable price! Patagonia is an excellent choice for ... more...